But Thanks to PicMonkey's Urbane Effect!
I've always had a black hair (which I thought boring and lacks a sense of character) for as long as I can remember. I had tried dying my hair with other permanent colors - auburn, ash brown, mahogany, you name it, my hair got it. With all honesty, I was never satisfied with the results.Then one manic Monday morning, I just woke up and decided to go BLONDE! Well, I had to undergo two treatments with 1 week interval and sad to say, didn't achieve the look that I want. But, I'm still driven to achieve that sunshine blonde barbie look so I'm just gonna let my hair rest for a couple of weeks and dye it again! (I just hope my hair won't die) However, can't wait to post my blonde new look in my FB profile so I decided to turn to my trusty buddy PicMonkey to let him do the blonding for me!:)
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