
Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2!

Forever Starts at November 20, 2012

Few days ago, twi-hard fans went gaga over Breaking Dawn Part 2's teasers! Each trailer effortlessly got millions of viewers in YouTube and was frequently shared in Facebook pages. 

So what can we expect about this box office franchise?
Well, according to Taylor Lautner we'll be seeing lots of red eyes. This can only mean one thing - Volturi!

Again, the Cullen clan faces another battle to protect their family and this time it's against the powerful breed of vampires.The Cullens will seek help from other vampires.

Bella, with her newly discovered undead skills and motherly instincts will do everything to keep Renesmee safe. 

Another thing that keeps twi-hards from dying hard is finding out, aside from growing old each day, if Renesmee got any special powers. 

How will this story end?
Who will save the day?
Will there be a another wedding this time with a werewolf and an immortal child?

Well, we only got 4 months left to find out!

For those of you who haven't seen the trailer yet, here it is!


Sarah Grace V. Villaflor ayon kay ...

yay! excited na ako mapanood!!! ang tagallll pa huhu di ba pwede next week na palabas. haha

Unknown ayon kay ...

bwahahahahahaha!!! enebenemenyen!

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